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Again, Such a good game!! I can't praise it enough!! Very sexy, nice that every girl got her own little kinks, makes it interesting to see what's coming next! When i found the game I played all available episodes, coulnt pase myself. Can't wait for more.. 

Thank you for your support! If you want to promote the game further, please head over to Steam and add it to your wishlist :)

I found that in the macOS version, the text-speed setting reverts back to default everytime. I like it max, but it only stays there for a few screens.
it is with the version downloaded today

Noted, thank you.

Hi Chris, I was hopeful you'd fixed the balcony scene but still crashes. Playing episode 8, I miss a lot of content as not enough perv points. Can anything be done ? I'm playing on a fire tablet.

I'm sorry to hear about the crashed balcony scene in the Android version! I've re-done the whole section and compressed the animations into movie-files. I will launch a workaround asap, simply with a jump past the scene, but honestly, I'm at a miss about why this happens now :(

Thank you for your continued bugreports!!

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cheers Chris 👍 anything you can do about the p points ?

yes, I'm looking into it now, and hope to get a fix out asap

yes, I'm looking into it now, and hope to get a fix out asap

The new Android release is out, with a very unsexy workaround: skipping option. I've been over the code again and again, and I can see no reason for the game to crash at this point. I have also compressed the animations on the Sally impregnation run.

The only other possible option I can think of, is to compress the animations leading up to this point of the episode, but they are already converted to a smaller file format, so it would surprise me if this made a differene.

Anyway: Hope the episodes 6 - 8 now can be enjoyed also on the Android platform!

My Game Crashes hard during Sally impregnation, exactly when following dialog appears  "a destiny changing load" . Game freezes and Crash on Android

I'm getting an error about ep7_cscore not being defined. But it's defined in script_shell.rpy just like perv, karma and all other variables. It happens if I load my save, so I tried starting fresh from ep 6. Same thing happened as soon as I got to the first time the variable is used in episode 7.

Only thing I can think of is maybe a ctrl character or something in the definition line. Will try deleting the script_shell.rpyc file and replacing the definition line and those around it, and then re-run.

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That did the trick. Still get an error with saves but starting a fresh game now works fine. Maybe there was a linefeed or something in there. Do you code on a Linux device?

I code on a PC. What platform did you run the game on?


Hello, can you please add a a clear title that says that all characters are over 18+ because the triplets age is not mentioned and I assume they are college girls above 18 but I just want to mention that you have to make it clear in your game. Respectfully, I dont mean no harm by this comment but just wanted to bring this to your attention.

Thank you for that point.

Added in the latest release

Keep getting exception errors that instruction to ignore is enabling me to  keep going, but happens at every decision point. 

Did you play from previous saves? This usually happens when you don't start "clean" from the beginning.

Yes..anything I can do or have I to just live with it?

Just play from the beginning. Use the skipping to increase your speed :)

Why there is no free android version 

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Good question! I'm currently upgrading the Public version, and upon the release of that there will be a free android too. But first, I need to fix a memory issue in the Ep6-8 android release., Good news is that my java installation now works without hickups, so the builds don't require me to pay someone to fix them

The memory issue for the full Android version should now be fixed, and the free version should run smoothly

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So i think you need to rethink the jump to current chapter option.  I tried just starting from chapter 8 and it sets all stats to 0 so you litterally can't do anything.  What's the point  i was hoping it'd let me replay the chapter assuming i did everything prior.  

Also i would love a kind of gallery or something that would help me know if i'm missing any hidden or optional scenes.  As chapter 8 felt kinda empty just the one imagination scene and then it was over so i'm wondering if i'm missing something.   

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Absolutely. The jump function was wasted on Ep 8 because you need the perv score to unlock some of the lewd stuff.

Gallery function is planned to be unlocked at the end of the season as with season 1 - based on your total score.

There are three sexual moments in ep8, two of them "hidden" behind perv scores and options. The third one is unavoidable.

Thanks for the fast reply.  

I bought season 2 all the way up to ep6 how do I get the new ep

I will distribude eps 6-8 on the now restricted ep6 page for those who bought it there

Eps 6-8 are now available for free for those who bought Ep6 - or if you want to tip a bit, that will help the further development of the project.

Do you have a Discord page for Error message submissions?

Please post it here - the discord is linked to Patreon and SubescribeStar, and I'm not sure how to handle the itch purchases

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Hey Lewd Robotics. I purchased the Episode 6 version here on itch for the $11.  Will I be able to get the whole of season 2 or will I need to pay another $11 through this page?  I purchased it on the old episode 6 page.  I have really enjoyed both season 1 and the first episode of season 2.  Looking forward to the rest.  Thank you.


I'll offer the Ep7 and 8 for those who bought ep6 at a minimal charge - let me just get around to it.


yeah the bait and switch with episode 6 at 11$ and now another season pass that will still costs me the same smh let me know whatever it is that you decide to do for us if anythin


Thank you for your patient support of The Builder. As stated, I will find a way to reward those who bought Ep6 before I figured out how to deal with Season 2 as a season pass.

See above - the eps 6-8 are now available for those who bought ep6 only

i bought season 1 yesterday, is this a separate game, that requires another 11 dollars ?


This is the Season 2 pass - so once you've bought it, you have will have the releases of eps 6-10 as soon as I finish them.